Monday, August 1, 2011

State Championships!!!

Hated this pool.  Hated this starter and starter system,  With that being said, "GREAT MEET!"

I was told that on my 50 Free that I held a 5.6 stroke rate!  Pretty good for me!!!  Touchpad time was a 37.66.  An all time best!

Here is my 100 Free with a time of 1:25.11

50 Back 46.06

400 Free 7:02.61 - I really wanted to swim under 7 minutes.  This swim felt like crap but at least my time didn't get slower.  Maybe next time...

50 Fly 44.89

This race felt great!!

On the second day, the computers crashed after the last heat of the individual events but before the relays.  We had about 30 minutes to "relax"  The whole Narwhal Team got in the pool and goofed around.  "Practicing" our synchro, doing imitations of age group kids, and just be goofy.  With all the hootin' and hollerin' and narwhal song singin', we were having a ball.  If I would have been on another team, I would have been jealous of all the fun the MACs were having. 

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