Thursday, February 2, 2012

Polar Bear Classic

There is a silver lining to every cloud!

This was a short meet in Tucson.  The weather was nice, the water temperature was not too cold, and I got the reassurance that all of the practices that I've put in over the past month have been paying off.  No distance events for me this time since it was short course yards,

My first event was the 50 Fly and I rocked it with a 41.04!!  But I absolutely hate this pool since it's such a struggle to climb out of, especially after expending all of my energy.

Next event was the 100 Free which I think I held back a little too much on the first 50.  My splits were even with a 40.6 and a 40.4, finishing with an official time of 1:21.08.

Last was the 50 Free.  As you know, my super goal time is to do a 50 free in 30 seconds.  But lately at practice (and I have only been out of the hospital and off IV meds for a month) I  just feel like I'm not back to my normal swim self.  Practice has just been so hard, and I feel like I'm going nowhere unless I have fins on.  I swim; have a great start, awesome underwater kick, tight streamline, nice forceful turn without breathing my first stroke up, and an aggressive finish.  I look up at the scoreboard:

Lane 8            39.00

I was so bummed.  I really felt like I was moving faster than that.  My stroke rate was a lot faster than my 100 free but I somehow managed to only be a second slower.  Oh well, you can't win them all.

So Helene, who carpooled with me, and I went to get lunch at Bruegger's Bagels (the Leonardo de Veggie is amazing!)  and I added more oil to my car before the trip back to Phoenix.  About 20 minutes from Helene's exit, I ask her to see if she can get my purse.  I don't remember grabbing it...yeah what a mess.  I did end up dropping Helene off an making a return trip to Tucson.  All of my good karma was cashed in and my purse was kept safe and made sure it got back into my possession without any loss. 

I finally got home to a very depressed and lonely Millie...exhausted, yet at the same time calmed and zen from a long drive with me alone with my mind and my tunes.

I got to check the official times and low and behold, I remember, I was NOT in lane 8!!  I was in lane 4 for that race!  And my official time is...wait for it....wait for it....34.91!  3 seconds faster than my fastest time! Whoo hoo!!  So it wasn't such a bad day after all.  3 for 3 for personal records.  Next meet up is states...I hope to shave off another second on my 50 Free, and I think I might take a stab at the 100 IM and try for another personal record.

Friday, September 30, 2011

Future husband

So I think I may have found my future husband.  He better have health insurance though, otherwise, I retract my proposal.

Monday, August 1, 2011

State Championships!!!

Hated this pool.  Hated this starter and starter system,  With that being said, "GREAT MEET!"

I was told that on my 50 Free that I held a 5.6 stroke rate!  Pretty good for me!!!  Touchpad time was a 37.66.  An all time best!

Here is my 100 Free with a time of 1:25.11

50 Back 46.06

400 Free 7:02.61 - I really wanted to swim under 7 minutes.  This swim felt like crap but at least my time didn't get slower.  Maybe next time...

50 Fly 44.89

This race felt great!!

On the second day, the computers crashed after the last heat of the individual events but before the relays.  We had about 30 minutes to "relax"  The whole Narwhal Team got in the pool and goofed around.  "Practicing" our synchro, doing imitations of age group kids, and just be goofy.  With all the hootin' and hollerin' and narwhal song singin', we were having a ball.  If I would have been on another team, I would have been jealous of all the fun the MACs were having. 

East Valley Invite

What a great day to do a long course meters swim!

3 Events:

50 Free

So my left arm seems to go a little wonky, as I'm getting tired, which is something I am going to definitely work on.  Also Coach Paul said, "I had to do a double take, you were going so fast."  :)  I ended up placing third with an official time of 38.05.  It really makes my goal of swimming 50 yards free in 30 seconds flat seem doable.

50 Back

Holding steady with a 45.85 coming in second.

400 Free

Placed 1st with a 7:02.07!!  I dropped 22 seconds off my best time!  I am super happy with this swim although it as said that I looked pissed the entire time.  Right as I was stepping up on the blocks my goggles broke.  The small plastic piece that keeps the straps tightened broke off within seconds of the start.  I tried to wedge the goggles deep into my eye sockets but as suspected, my left lense filled up with water on the start.  On my second lap, I pulled them around my neck and swam out the rest of the race.  I'm pretty sure that if I didn't have a goggle malfunction, then my time would have been under 7 minutes.  So that is what I'm shooting for at the state meet at the end of July.  Here are my splits:

7:02.07   meaning that my 100's were consistant on the 1:39.19

Afterwards, we all went out to celebrate at Red, White, and Brew!

Monday, June 20, 2011

Misty Hyman Clinic

Had a great chance to meet Misty and hear her inspiring "underdog" story.  After seeing her Olympic gold race (which you can watch here)  we got into the pool to learn the art of the underwater dolphin kick.

Practicing doing an underwater exaggerated dolphin kick on your side.

And after eating pizza and drinking some gatorade, we got to meet the star.  She was the sweetest!

Sunday, June 19, 2011

2011 Spring Nationals at Kino!

So I got out of the hospital on Thursday, after a two week stay, and helped with the clerk of course Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday.  I decided to swim one event on Sunday, with my goal being to just finish...and under :47 would be acceptable.

I'm so glad I did it and I even finished my 50 back in :45.53, placing 19th, which ended up being dead last.  No worries though, I was just glad that they didn't have to fish me out of the pool!

Monday, November 29, 2010

Ron Johnson Invitational Swim

November 20 and 21 at ASU - Short Course Meters

It was so cold both days!  I slept during the first event which was the mile and took over an hour and a half.  Then I woke up, ate a banana, and got ready to swim.

Individual Results

200 Free

50 Back

50 Free

100 IM

50 Fly

It was sooo cold.  The power went out on the touchpads, so we had to wait until every lane had at least 3 timers.  Paul pulled a mama penguin move and stopped me from shivering!

100 Back  -   The only event that I wasn't satisfied with, but I also coughed up blood on the last length.


100 Free


For some reason, they chose me to swim the breastroke leg of the mixed 400 medley relay.  My time was 1:45.40.

Great meet!  And Team Narwhals celebrated afterwards at Four Peaks!